Recent Projects
SMS Cloud Connector
Since Eloqua is primarily focused on email marketing and campaign management, SMS messaages are not included as a core, native feature. To address this, I developed a custom Eloqua application that integrates with three major SMS service providers: Inmobile SMSDK Sinch In the Eloqua cam...
This integration project enabled Eloqua to send push notifications through the multi-channel messaging platform Airship. The integration supported several key use cases: Send push message from campaign canvas (scheduled or in-app) Send push message from a segment (batch send) Send push me...
ReadFå tiden tilbage
“Få tiden tilbage” was an interesting projects that took almost 6 month to complete. The client was a public transportation company (DSB) and the concept was focusing on bringing back value to the passengers who experience delays, due to the maintenance work done on the railways. The first relea...
ReadRich Relevance
The objective of this project was to integrate Rich Relevance Customer Experience and Personalization Platform as a standard Eloqua application. The content personalization was implemented using products Recommend and Engage. The main objective was to integrate personalized content into Email Te...